Thursday, October 9, 2014

More in the Mail

Our loyal reader out of IL writes again.  Here's what he says:

Toilet paper: over or under.  An age old question.  I read a good book about this and recommended it a few months back, it was called Wiped.  It says: no agreement.  I guess for me over is the smarter way.  Under's not so bad though.  I don't have strong feelings about it.

I suppose this is a good place to mention that for the last five years I haven't used the wall-mounted system.  It's just rolls of toilet paper, stood up on the flat end, and you pick it up when you need it.  I had a roommate in college who found this gross, thinking that whatever was going on with your non-dominant hand was probably not very clean.  I try not to worry about it.  The wall mount unit, where it is in my bathroom, is just too low to make sense.  And there's a good shelf right there.  So that's what my life is like.

But yeah, generally I think over is a little smoother, a little nicer flow.

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