Sunday, August 11, 2019

120 months of doo doo

Haven't been sure how to note this fact, but as of this month, this blog has been steadily pooting away for 10 years. There's no other creative activity I've done for so long in such a consistent format.

When you read the first ever post on this blog, it refers to a wall paper that's not there anymore, so it's not a very interesting post. Before starting this blog, I had initially made a Twitter account where I was going to tweet every time or at least most times I pooped and just note that, but I wasn't ready for Twitter in 2009 (took me til 2014).

Anyway, in that spirit, I'm not gonna attempt any nostalgia or grand summation, but will simply relate that this morning, when defecating, I did a rare kind of shit for me, which is one that is much wider in the part that exits first, and then tapers. It came out rather forcefully. That was a novelty at 7:30 this morning.

Hope you're shitting well, and I plan to keep talking about how I'm shitting.


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