I think as of this morning I'm past it, but a lot of this past week has been a time of swamp ass aka cavern ass aka the unwipe-able shits. I've spoken of this before on here, but it really gets me down.
When you're in this mode, the mechanics of your butt work themselves out such that the normal effort you do of wiping yourself just won't cut it, and you need a whole extra effort to clean your butthole. And even when you've gotten to a supposed point of cleanliness, you still retain some suspicion that your butthole is still filthy and your slowly soiling yourself.
You marvel, how are there so many little dirty, shit-filled pockets now that never existed before?
Wiping your butt in a public bathroom, you think you sound like someone going to an intense and extreme place.
Sitting in the middle of other non-shitting parts of your life, you think, do I smell like shit?
It's not a good zone to be in, not good at all.