I have often remarked that this blog is indeed hey doo doo blog, a blog about poop, and not a pee pee blog, a blog about urine. Though Pee Pee Bloggin has a nice ring to it. That said, lately I find myself thinking much more about piss that shit. Why is that?
There's definitely something about shitting only in one place as has been happening in the last 16 months, that makes me think less about stool than usual. At the same time, my urine output has changed because I can drink water anytime I want and then pee virtually anytime I want which is just lovely. As result, I pee, frankly, a lot [IP Frankly is my new name]. So I find that my whims, my little thought doodles, are much more about pee pee than about doo doo. And for that, dear reader, I apologize. You came here for Doo Doo Bloggin, and that's what I aim to deliver. I find I'm tweeting a lot about this recently and I wonder if people who don't know me that well scratch their heads. Whatever. Excretion: we like it all.