I had what felt like a great crap today after dinner. I thought of a metaphor at the time of a pocket. Sort of a play on the idea of being "in the pocket" as they say in music. It was as if I had found a pocket at the end of my digestive track and gotten not just the contents but all the little lint out of it, everything was out of there. Wow. The back, lower part of my body was the lightest part of my body. It was heavenly. I was floating.
But then I went into a concert. Halfway through, I had a headache but couldn't get out to take some Advil. So I sat, and it started to be a little migraine-y. Still kind of is. But then the poopy feeling started coming back. I've had maybe three, four migraines in my life, but I find there's a certain connection between them and the digestive ouchies. My pocket feeling became a thing of the past, and there's some grumbling going on back there. Woosh.
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